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2024. Cáceres Apaza, D.P., Fernández, G. J., Garrido Coria, P.S., Arrieta, R.S. & Llambías, P.E. The availability of male mates affects the social mating strategies of a predominantly socially monogamous passerine. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, in press.


2024. Arrieta, R.S., Cornejo, P., Mahler, B. & Llambías, P.E. A possible case of offspring sex manipulation as result of a biased adult sex ratio. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 819.

​2024. Jefferies, M.M., Mendoza, F.C. & Llambías, P.E. Female Grass Wrens adjust brooding effort according to ambient temperature, male feeding contribution and nest placement. Ibis, 166(2), 472-486.

2022. Llambías, P.E., Jefferies, M.M., Zarco, A., Garrido, P.S. & Arrieta, R.S. Evidence of nest abandonment in Grass Wrens Cistothorus platensis suggest that non-breeding nests are not structures that differ in function from breeding nest. Journal of Ornithology, 163(4), 911-921.

2022. Garrido Coria, P.S., Rendall, D., Panasiti Ros, R., García, N.C. & Llambías, P.E. Structure and organization of songs of south‐temperate Grass Wrens (Cistothorus platensis). Journal of Field Ornithology, 92(4), 365-376.

2022. Arrieta, R.S., Campagna, L., Mahler, B. & Llambías P.E. Neither paternity loss nor perceived threat of cuckoldry affects male nestling provisioning in grass wrens. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 76(11), 147.

2022. Arrieta, R.S., Campagna, L., Mahler, B., Lovette, I. & Llambías, P.E. Local male breeding density affects extra‐pair paternity in a south temperate population of grass wrens Cistothorus platensis. Journal of Avian Biology, (4), 02887.

2021. Jefferies, M.M, Garrido; P.S. & Llambías, P.E. Nest predator identity and nest predation rates of 3 songbirds in the central Andes of south temperate Argentina. The Willson Journal of Ornithology, 133(1):117-124.

2021. Carro, M. E., Llambías, P. E., Mahler, B. & Fernández, G. J. Contrasting patterns of natal dispersal of a south temperate House Wren population at local and regional scales. Journal of Ornithology, 162(3), 895-907.

2021. Arrieta, R.S., Campagna, L., Mahler, B., Lovette, I., Llambias, P.E. Double-digest RAD sequencing reveals low rates of conspecific brood parasitism and no cases of quasi-parasitism in a Neotropical passerine. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 132(3): 733-739.

2020. Fernández, G. J., Carro, M. E., & Llambías, P.E. Spatial and temporal variation in breeding parameters of two south-temperate populations of House Wrens. Journal of Field Ornithology,  91: 13-30

2020. Llambías P. E., Jefferies, M. Garrido P., Cáceres, D., Zarco A., Arrieta, R.S. & Bender B. Building multiple nest is associated with reduced breeding performance in a south temperate Sedge Wren population. Ibis, 162: 75-89

2018. Dos Santos E.B., Llambías, P.E. & Rendall, D. Male song diversity and its relation to breeding success in southern House Wrens (Troglodytes aedon chilensis). Journal of Avian Biology, 49: 1-11.

2018. Llambías, P.E., Garrido, P.S., Jefferies M.M. & Fernández G.J. Social mating system, male parental care contribution and life history traits of a southern Sedge Wren (Cistothorus platensis platensis) population: a comparison with northern Sedge Wrens (Cistothorus platensis stellaris). Journal of Ornithology, 159: 221-223.

2017. Carro, M.E., Llambías, P.E. & Fernández, G.J. Mate and territory availability affect breeding dispersal and divorce in a resident southern House Wren Troglodytes aedon musculus population. Ibis 159: 168-179.

2016. Dos Santos, E.B., Llambías, P.E. & Rendall, D. The structure and organization of song in southern House Wrens (Troglodytes aedon chilensis). Journal of Ornithology, 157: 289-301.

2015. Llambías, P.E., Carro, M.E. & Fernández, G.J. Latitudinal differences in life-history traits and parental care in northern and southern temperate zone House Wrens. Journal of Ornithology, 156: 933-942.

2015. Fernández, G.J., Corral M.G. & Llambías, P.E. Sexual differences in risk-taking behaviour of the southern House Wren during nestling rearing stage. Acta Ethologica, 18:11-18.

2013. Fernández, G. J. & Llambías, P.E. Parental risk-taking behaviour and nest defence during the nestling rearing stage in northern House Wrens Troglodytes aedon. Acta Ornithologica, 48:55-63.

2013. Corral, M.G., Llambías, P.E. & Fernández, G.J. Effect of conspecific alarm calls in the parental behaviour of nesting southern House Wrens. Acta Ethologica, 16: 47-51.

2012. Llambías, P.E., LaBarbera, K. & Astié, A.A. Similar parental provisioning patterns in a monogamous and polygynous House Wren population. Condor, 114: 629-638.

2012. LaBarbera, K., Lovette, I. J. & Llambías, P.E. Mating opportunities, paternity, and sexual conflict: parental care in northern and southern House Wrens. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology, 66:253-260.

2012. Llambías, P.E. How southern House Wrens achieve polygyny: an experimental approach. Journal of Ornithology 153: 571-578.

2010. LaBarbera, K., Llambías, P.E., Cramer, E.R.A., Schaming, T.D. & Lovette, I.J. Synchrony does not explain extra-pair paternity rate variation in northern or southern House Wrens. Behavioral Ecology 21:773-780.

2009. Llambías, P.E. & Fernández, G.J. Effects of nestboxes on the breeding biology of southern House Wrens Troglodytes aedon bonariae in the Southern Temperate Zone. Ibis 151:113-121.


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